Large Italian shoe manufacturer. The company grew out of a small workshop of shoemaker Amedeo Testoni, who created expensive and very high quality men's shoes. Naturally by hand. It all started in 1929.
Since its inception, the company, artlessly named after its creator, has been, if not a trendsetter, then at least actively participated in its creation.
Surviving World War II a.testoni becomes a real symbol of the rebirth of Italy. Production begins to expand, female models appear. And since 1960 the company enters the world market.
a.testoni M46250 (image from the official website) |
History a.testoni is the path from single orders to hundreds of pairs of shoes per year. Today, the company deals not only with shoes, but also with clothes, as well as various leather accessories - belts, bags, wallets and more.
The head office is located in Bologna, Italy (Bologna, Italy). Mono-brand boutiques selling exclusively products a.testoni can be found in many cities around the world. Products are manufactured in various factories, but exclusively in Italy.