A small embarrassment happened yesterday with Microsoft. As you know, the company is now in every possible way praising the new platform for mobile devices, with a special emphasis on games. Moreover, in advertising, sometimes games are called that are simply not yet available for this platform.
So, on the page dedicated to applications for Windows phone, hung a banner that used the icon of a very popular game Angry Birds, which had the honor to go down in history as the first game for iPad. This game was written for iOS, later and for Android. As for WindowsPhone 7, as one of the developers wrote in his blog, such a version of the game simply does not exist (moreover, no one has even taken up porting yet) and Microsoft arbitrarily used the app icon in its advertisement.
However, after hanging for several hours, the banner disappeared. Now the public is interested in looking for other similar incidents. The resource told about all this 9to5mac.com.
Incidentally, relatively recently Microsoft made an attempt to lure developers from AppStoreby offering them additional cash bonuses. How many people fell for this proposal is unknown. However, the company's actions are understandable - there is no certainty that the new system will become as popular as iOS or Android, and oh, how she needs applications.