Information has appeared on the web that has not yet been confirmed. Apple negotiating the acquisition of a Chinese company Handseeing Information Technology, which develops online games for mobile devices and social networks.
Such an acquisition will allow the "fruit company" to further strengthen its position in the world of services for mobile devices. The deal is estimated to be worth somewhere in the region of US$150 million.
If this is indeed the case, then this means that Apple is looking to significantly strengthen its position in creating games for iphone, iPod, iPad. To date, the company has developed only one game - Texas Hold'em, the rest are created by third-party developers. However, this is all just speculation. The real reason for the deal is unknown. However, it is not known for certain whether the deal will take place at all.
It is only known that for the acquisition Handseeing Information Technology several other companies apply, including foxconn. But it seems that the greatest chances are for Apple. The company itself has so far refrained from any comments. A well-known portal reports the possibility of such a deal. Apple insider.