Slogan: One destination. A world of solutions.
Perhaps the world's most famous manufacturer of aviation, military and space technology. But the corporation started Boeing from a tiny factory where small planes were built entirely by hand.
The history of the company began back in 1916, when the company was founded on July 15 The Pacific Aero Products Company, a year later renamed to Boeing Airplane Company. It was founded by William Boeing, who built a seaplane with the help of George Conrad Westervelt B&W. It was a fabric-lined wooden structure that nevertheless flew well.
Особенно отличилась компания в 1933 году, когда был разработан пассажирский самолет Boeing 247. Модель оказалась надежной, простой и безопасной, хотя и не лишенной ряда недостатков. Это был десятиместный двухмоторный цельнометаллический самолет с убирающимся шасси. Самолетам этой модели было суждено открыть печальную статистику — 10 октября 1933 года на борту одного из них (регулярный рейс Чикаго-Кливленд) прогремел взрыв. Это был первый террористический акт в истории воздухоплавания.
In June 1938, the Boeing 314 Clipper was created, a seaplane designed specifically for transatlantic transportation. This plane could carry 90 passengers. It was developed by order of the company pan am (Pan American World Airways). Постепенно приближается время, когда самолеты полностью вытеснят корабли в деле пассажирских трансатлантических перевозок. В том же году появляется всепогодный самолет компании — «грузовик» Model 307 Stratoliner.
Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental, commissioned by Korean Air |
After the end of the war, production had to be drastically reduced by closing factories and laying off staff. On the basis of the same B-29, a passenger aircraft was hastily created. However, since then, military orders have become commonplace for Boeing.
The further history of the company is the history of many successful and not so successful developments. Both military and civilian. Light stripes replaced dark ones, but in general, things are Boeing formed well. The company's developments were actively used in space projects, such as Apollo и space shuttle. In the period from the 60s to the 90s, such legendary aircraft models as the Boeing 737, 747, 757 ...
In 1997 Boeing takes over another aircraft manufacturer Douglas Aircraft Company - its sworn competitor. What was immediately displayed in the logo, in which a “piece” from a competitor appeared.
Despite the constant competition from another aircraft manufacturer - Airbus, aircraft sales Boeing impress. Orders run into hundreds or even thousands of pieces. For example, on April 10, 2009, a significant event took place: the air carrier Air France, longtime partner Boeingpurchased the 777th Boeing 777 twin-engine aircraft.
To date, the corporation includes two divisions. This is Boeing Commercial Airplanesengaged in civil aviation and Integrated Defense Systemsin charge of the military and space sectors. In addition to these, there are organizations such as Boeing Capital Corporation - financing issues, Shared Services Group — инфраструктурная поддержка, а также Boeing Engineering, Operations & Technologyengaged in research, technology and their implementation.
The company's headquarters is located in Chicago, Illinois, USA (Chicago, Illinois, USA). The company's factories are scattered all over the world. The number of employees has already exceeded 150 thousand people. Aircraft production Boeing can be found at any more or less major airport around the world.
not Aerobus, but Airbus
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