British company BP plc wants to return to oil development in the Gulf of Mexico, where last year, through her fault, as a result of an accident on an oil platform deepwater horizon, one of the largest environmental disasters occurred.
The company's desire to continue the development of ten deep-water mothballed wells was announced The New York Times. Some unnamed employees were cited as the source. BP.
As you know, immediately after the scale of the man-made disaster became clear, the US government generally imposed a ban on oil production in the Gulf of Mexico. Later it was removed and such companies as Chevron, Exxon Mobil, Royal Dutch Shell and some others.
BP guarantees that it will tighten all safety measures as much as possible, which will avoid any accidents later. The company would like to start work this year.
However, The New York Times notes that most likely the permit will not be issued. At least in the near future. After all, the investigation into the causes of the disaster has not yet been completed. BUT VR is still involved in paying compensation to oil spill victims and continues to subsidize the cleanup of contaminated areas.