Summing up the results of the past year, the company's analysts Net Applications, which specializes in the analysis of Internet processes, noted a significant breakthrough in the popularity of a relatively young browser Google Chrome. First version Chrome was presented by the company Google September 2, 2008 and for the past 16 months Chrome managed to take third place in the list of popular browsers, ahead of its closest competitor safari from Apple, reports Channel Web.
At the end of December Chrome occupies 4,63% of the browser market, and Apple Safari – 4.46%. For comparison, back in November, the numbers were not in favor of Chrome: then browser from Google occupied 3,93%, and safari - 4.36. success Chrome contributed to the release of beta versions of the browser for MacOS X и linux, as well as improvements and expansion of the functions of the version Chrome for Windows.
The first places in the top five are still shared Internet Explorer from Microsoft – 62,69% market and Firefox from Mozilla – 24.61%. And the browser closes the honorary five Operaproduced by the company Opera Software, with a market share of 2.4%.