The production of vodka based on water from the Ramayaki spring began as early as 1888. At the beginning it was only a small private production, after, in 1920, it was bought by the state, which owned it until 2000. For a long time, the plant's products remained known only to the residents of Suomi. However, in the second half of the last century, a decision was made to enter the world arena. Brand launch Finlandia took place in 1970, to begin with in the neighboring Scandinavian countries, and a year later in the United States (for the first time a foreign brand of vodka was introduced in this country). Success came gradually, but by 1993 Finlandia becomes one of the best-selling vodkas in the world. Помимо обычной водки на суд потребителей представлены также и ароматизированные вариации — клюква (с 1994 года), лайм (1999), манго (2004), лесные ягоды (2005), грейпфрут (2006), мандарин (2009) и черная смородина (2009). Думается, что впоследствии ассортимент будет только расширяться. The well-known Finnish industrial designer Harri Koskinen has repeatedly worked on the design of the bottle. They were presented with the works "Crystal Ice" (2003) and "Melting Ice" (2011). The classic bottle, which served from 1970 to 2000, was designed by another equally famous Finnish designer, Tapio Wirkkala. When Helsinki was chosen as the 2012 Design Capital of the World in 2011, vodka Finlandia became the official drink of the ceremony World Design Capital Helsinki 2012. A good choice, it's hard to imagine a brand more associated with Finland.
Today, belonging to the premium class, the brand Finlandia — это один из самых быстроразвивающихся брендов водки в мире. Начиная с 2000 года он принадлежит Finlandia Vodka Worldwide Ltd., which is a subsidiary of Brown-Forman, an American distillery, one of the largest in the world. |