The American television network Fox Broadcasting Company, which is often referred to simply as Fox, is considered one of the largest television companies in the world. It is owned by the Fox Entertainment Group, which is part of the media corporation 21st Century Fox.
Fox began operations on October 9, 1986. She quickly gained popularity with viewers thanks to the broadcast of a number of successful series. Many of them have become not only famous, but cult - "The Simpsons", "The X-Files", "Futurama", "Family Guy", "Doctor House" and others. There are quite a few on the channel and all kinds of television programs that enjoy well-deserved success with viewers. However, there have also been cases where some shows broadcast by Fox received the dubious title of "Worst TV show of the week."
The TV company is often criticized for its outspoken pro-government stance. It is believed that because of this, the opinions and news voiced by Fox are biased. So far, however, no criticism has forced the channel to reconsider its views. In any case, it does not hinder its development in any way. Also, sometimes viewers are outraged by the content of some shows and series, which is sometimes characterized by excessive obscenity.