Company Google made a purchase eBook Technologies, specializing in developments in the field of e-books. eBook is engaged in the creation of both the actual readers for e-books and various technologies for reading them, for example, a “bookshelf” with the user’s personal content, technologies for the operation of an online bookstore, distribution of such publications, etc.
With this step Google intends to build on the success of its still relatively young eBookstore project, which was launched on December 6, 2010. With technology eBook Technologies publications that the user can find in the eBookstore will be available for reading on various mobile media, and not just on any particular one (as is, for example, done by Amazon with a Kindle device) and do not require the user to install special software.
Particularly attractive to the search corporation was the developed eBook Technologies distribution system for books and other publications. Carrying out a number of steps to develop the direction of electronic books, Google in the near future will be able to compete seriously Apple и Amazon in this industry.