Tagline: To build Harmonious Information World
In 2007 the companies Huawei и Symantec agreed to form a joint venture focused on the development and marketing of network security products and storage systems. The result was the appearance in 2008 Huawei Symantec Technologies (HST). The shares of the parent companies are divided approximately in half: Huawei — 51%, Symantec — 49%.
The basis for creating a new enterprise was the fact that companies actively working in the field of creation and development of networks need to better coordinate their actions. Thus, Huawei Symantec can offer network operators much more convenient and optimal solutions.
HST head office (image from official website) |
Несмотря на молодость, компания уже играет значительную роль на мировом рынке — все же иметь столь «именитых» родителей всегда полезно. Продукция HST used in 40 countries in Asia, Europe, South America and Africa. According to her leadership, HST has enough power to solve problems of any level of complexity. The number of patents in the field of security systems and data storage received by the company is already in the hundreds.
The head office of the company is located in Chengdu, China (Chengdu, China). At the same time, research centers, which employ a good half of the company's employees, are scattered throughout China.
Interesting fact:
official color HST считается оранжевый. Его можно встретить и на логотипе, и на сайте компании, который пересекает оранжевая лента. Этот цвет был выбран как сочетание двух других — красного, как цвета от Huawei, and yellow, which is historically not indifferent Symantec. В интернете можно повстречать фразу «оранжевый путь», символизирующую путь развития совместного предприятия.