A number of luxury brands, including Chanel and Prada, made it to the top 100 most reputable companies for the first time.
RepTrak, which specializes in compiling reports on the level of reputation of companies based on both surveys and information from various media, has introduced a new rating. The list of World's Most Reputable Companies in 2012 included one hundred companies whose reputation among consumers turned out to be the highest.
In the survey, which included more than 68,000 respondents from around the world, participants were asked about their "willingness to buy, recommend or trust a company." To be included in the list, a company must meet a number of initial conditions. In particular, her sales for the year must not be less than 2 billion dollars a year and her name must be known to at least 20% respondents in each country.
As a result, the top five most respected brands look like this: in the first place is the Danish manufacturer of children's designers LEGO Group, the second place went to the Swiss watch company Rolex (the only luxury brand in the top ten), in third place is the Italian car brand Ferrari, in fourth place - German The Bosch Group, and the American brand of motorcycles closes the top five Harley-Davidson. The ten most respected also include Canon, Adidas, The Walt Disney Company, Microsoft and Sony.
The 2021 ranking includes an order of magnitude more luxury brands than ever before. In particular, for the first time it included such names as Chanel, Prada, Burberry и Hermes. The creators of the list explain this by the fact that during the pandemic, many buyers began to spend more on this particular category of goods due to the fact that travel was not available. At the same time, luxury brands are often emotionally significant and in a crisis situation their importance for consumers has grown.