For every brand, the generational change becomes a challenge. Who are they, this new generation?
What drives them? What makes them different from everyone else? Companies must be prepared to engage with Generation Z, the generation of young people born after 1996 who are now joining the global workforce and have become an important consumer group.
Об опыте взаимодействия с новым поколением пользователей мобильных устройств и о том, как это повлияет на маркетинговую стратегию компании Samsung Electronics рассказала Йонхи Ли — директор по глобальному маркетингу Samsung Mobile.
Gen Z - who are they for Samsung?
Большинство людей, с которыми я общаюсь, удивляются, когда я говорю им, что Gen Z уже насчитывает почти два с половиной миллиарда человек (больше, чем Миллениалов). В Samsung смена поколений происходит не впервой. Мы являемся компанией уже 50 лет, и всё это время понимание потребителей — их потребностей и стремлений — всегда было в основе наших инноваций. На мой взгляд, Samsung — это не только технологии, которые мы создаем; речь, скорее, идет о предоставлении людям инструментов, которые им необходимы, чтобы выйти за грани возможного.
However, with each new generation, we must rethink how we can achieve this. It's no secret that the relationship between brands and consumers is constantly changing, so we have to ask ourselves: what do we need to do to stay relevant?
What do Samsung and Generation Z have in common?
Every generation is unique in its own way, and Gen Z is no exception. Their values and motives are very close to the philosophy of Samsung.
To answer the question "who are representatives of generation Z"? What unites them? What drives them? What do they value the most? We conducted surveys and talked to people directly, got to know their opinion.
We learned that Gen Z is a fairly resilient generation. They grew up during a period of economic recession and global crises, but did not lose hope. In fact, they are determined to change the world for the better.
Yes, they are dreamers, but at the same time they have a goal. They know what they want and are true to their beliefs. They expect the same from brands. They dream big and we should dream with them.
What are the values of Generation Z?
For a new generation of change-hungry brands, it’s not enough just to have great products and services. Generation Z is interested in brand values and how they relate to their own. 77% respondents believe that "doing good" should be an integral part of doing business. This means that brands can no longer just focus on storytelling because the era of “Storyliving” has arrived.
Here at Samsung, we had to really think about how our own values align with those of Gen Z. And we came up with a lot in common.
Gen Z — это поколение, которое мечтает бросить вызов барьерам. И мы тоже. «Do What You Can’t» — наш девиз. Он воплощает в себе то, что мы вкладываем в наш бренд, и я думаю, это прекрасно согласуется с мировоззрением Gen Z.
With a focus on endless innovation, we continue to look for new opportunities to create experiences that can change people's lives. It is much more than just technology. It is about the value that we declare. For example, the virtual reality app Be Fearless helps people cope with their worst fears, such as fear of public speaking or fear of heights. The Samsung Blind Cap allows Paralympic swimmers to receive prompts from their coaches when to turn around at the end of the lane.
How is Samsung communicating with Gen Z?
Gen Z is the first digital generation. A generation that cannot imagine life without the Internet, and the use of technology is completely natural for them. And that's great, because I really believe that these people will unleash the potential of our technologies like no other. They are going to use technology to reach new heights, and we are ready to help them with this.
We find contact with them, helping to achieve success. First and foremost, we listen and understand. We want to help them realize their potential with the necessary tools, skills or life hacks.
But every Gen Z is very different, and Samsung is a global brand that needs to serve customers internationally. In every region, country and even community, we take our core values and apply them locally to meet specific needs.
For example?
The King's Cross project (London) clearly demonstrates what it looks like.
Samsung создает новое пространство на местности, которая уже претерпела большие изменения, в результате чего некоторые жители чувствуют себя отстраненными. Мы хотим помочь — не навязывая решения, а слушая и помогая там, где это необходимо. Вот почему я рассматриваю Samsung Kings Cross как центр культуры, инноваций и обучения. Мы даже нанимаем персонал, который может говорить на языках местного населения, включая британский язык жестов, потому что поблизости есть большая школа для глухих.
We will listen to this new generation and help them make positive change, reach their potential, be responsible citizens, dream...and set goals.
Наша цель — быть аутентичным, актуальным, близким поколению Z брендом. Я уверена, что это реально, так как социальные цели всегда были неотъемлемой частью Samsung.
partner material. This article was created based on YH Lee's performance at the 2019 Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity.