It became known that Microsoft swallowed up Canesta - a California company that is developing technologies that allow you to remotely control a wide variety of equipment through gestures. It is clear that these developments will be used in the new Xbox.
Success Wii showed that modern gamers are interested not so much in the quality of graphics as in an interesting gameplay. Nintendo offered to control the character with the help of a special manipulator, thanks to which it became possible to dive deeper into the game, take part in it without sitting in a chair and pressing buttons, but actively moving. Microsoft же хочет пойти еще дальше — вообще отказаться от каких либо манипуляторов — управление персонажами будет осуществляться при помощи жестов. Работу над такими пользовательскими интерфейсами (их называют NUI — Natural User Interfaces) компания ведет достаточно давно и уже добилась определенных успехов. Приобретение же Canesta, which has more than 40 patents related to gesture tracking technology, will take another major step in this direction.
Details of the deal were not disclosed. We only know that it will be completed before the end of this year.