Company Motorola announced a new acquisition, she buys Zecter, a developer of content synchronization and streaming technologies. The purpose of the deal is to update and strengthen motorblur, service Motorola to work with social networks, which synchronizes information from various resources such as Twitter, Facebook and many others, and broadcasts them on the user's smartphone screen. In particular, it is planned to improve the interface motorblur, make it more convenient.
Developments Zecter, in particular their ZumoDrive and ZumoCast services, are aimed at improving the process of accessing cloud storage of audio, video, photos and other types of content from the screen of a smartphone, tablet or PC. It is also important for Motorola to respect all legal rights to the content for the companies that provide it and to preserve the content of the users themselves, by creating backups and applying other precautions.
The timing of the transaction and its financial details have not yet been disclosed.