Kroger's chatbot makes searching for a recipe and creating a multi-ingredient dish an interactive adventure.
Chefbot is another innovation from one of the largest grocery retailers in the USA. This chatbot was created to reimagine the food preparation process - artificial intelligence technologies will allow you to make the most of what is already in your refrigerator.
Chefbot's mission is to rid consumers of everyday boring meals and unwanted food waste at home. There is an opportunity to cook something interesting and at the same time not too complicated, without wasting time looking for the right recipe in traditional ways.
Using a chatbot consists of three stages. First, the user needs to take a picture of any three ingredients he has. These pictures should then be sent to @KrogerChefbot on Twitter. Using artificial intelligence technology, Chefbot determines the ingredients and then looks through thousands of unique recipes on A few seconds and the user receives a response in the form of several recipes for dishes that he could cook.
In other words, the Kroger chatbot is an opportunity to bring interactive elements to the boring process of searching for a recipe, adding a social component to it. Currently, Chefbot is able to recognize 2,000 ingredients and search a database of 20,000 recipes, and these numbers will continue to grow. Over time, thanks to the knowledge gained, Chefbot's food recognition and recipe search technology will evolve and improve.
According to Kroger, the chatbot is launched as part of the Fresh for Everyone campaign, according to which "everyone deserves access to fresh, affordable and delicious food, no matter who they are, how they shop or what they like to eat." Chefbot is one way to provide yourself with delicious food, which is especially important during a pandemic when people have become more likely to cook and eat at home.
The chatbot was created by Kroger in collaboration with creative media agency 360i, as well as technology partners Coffee Labs and Clarifai.