Swiss company Nestlé decided to give in to the requirements of the environmental organization Greenpeace. It will no longer use palm oil, for which forests have been cleared for endangered orangutans. Cutting down is carried out to create huge palm plantations.
This step Nestle did just two months after the greens started the company, calling for the abandonment of the use of palm oil, which is actively used to create chocolates kitkat and many other products. Unusual methodology used by activists Greenpeace – for the first time in history, they used the capabilities of the service to campaign YouTube, which featured a video demonstrating that by eating chocolates, we are essentially eating orangutans alive, whose forests are being actively destroyed. Nestle quite quickly achieved the removal of anti-advertising (however, by that time it had already been viewed a couple of hundred thousand times). But is it necessary to say that she immediately reappeared? activists Greenpeace stated that they were ready to upload an unpleasant video a thousand times a day, if necessary. Critical comments began to appear on the personal page Nestle in Facebook. Confectioners began to remove them, which immediately caused mass dissatisfaction already on the part of users who were not involved in the “greens”.
As a result Nestle was forced to admit defeat and declare a refusal to use oil purchased from an Indonesian agricultural concern Sinar Mas Group. The Greens are celebrating their victory. Skeptics are sure that in the end, little will change for the company - suppliers will change, the path to obtaining oil will become more complicated. And the orangutans won't get any better.