Slogan: Good food, good life
Products Nestle first appeared in 1866, Swiss pharmacist and chemist Henry Nestlé (Henri, nee Heinrich Nestlé) was developing a mixture of cow's milk, wheat flour and sugar that could replace mother's milk for an infant. With the help of a product of his own preparation, he managed to save a premature infant sentenced to death by doctors, who could not eat either mother's milk or any substitute, so the first mixture for babies was born, called Farine Lactee Nestlé (Milk flour Nestle), which later saved more than one baby.
It should be said that the very invention of an infant formula that replaces mother's milk was perceived and continues to be perceived very ambiguously. Opponents of their use point out that many children's lives have been claimed by the misuse of mixtures due to illiteracy and poverty in developing countries, as well as because of the unprecedentedly aggressive advertising and imposition of artificial feeding products in Africa, South America, Southeast Asia. . And to this day the company Nestle has come under attack and organized boycott by many organizations for its policy of promoting blends, resulting in almost 20 years of rejection Nestle from public advertising of infant formula in developing countries. And signing Nestle "International Code WHO UNICEF for the sale of artificial feeding products for children. To be fair, it should be noted that Nestle, as the largest manufacturer in the industry, has received the most attacks and accusations, in fact, addressed to the entire system and almost all major baby food manufacturers.
In the 19th century, such questions did not occur to anyone, the product quickly spread throughout Europe and the Nestlé brand “sounded”. In 1874, Henry Nestlé founded the company Nestle, giving her his name, it would be more accurate to say that he gave the company the name of his family. The whole structure of the brand is saturated with the idea of family, family values, motherhood and care. Nestle, на немецком диалекте, родном для Генри Нестле, Nestlé — это маленькое гнездо. Ну что же могло удержать дальновидного и мудрого фармацевта от перенесения и своего фамильного герба — гнездышка с птичкой, кормящей троих птенчиков, на торговый знак компании. В 1868 году Генри Нестле получил 15-летний патент на свой логотип, позже подтвержденный новыми владельцами компании. Позже к логотипу добавляется надпись, завершая формирование торговой марки. В 1988 году с логотипом происходит еще одно изменение – птенчиков становится двое. Куда же исчез третий малыш? Все просто – покупатели должны ассоциировать птичью семейку со своей семьей, а к этому времени в большинстве семей Европы и Америки было именно двое детей, это стало своеобразным стандартом. Интересно было бы узнать, где же папа этого милого семейства? Может его символизирует ветка дуба, на котором расположилось гнездо? А скорее всего он на работе, вкалывает, чтобы принести в клювике немного денюжки на покупку еды.
And today, renamed into a logo, this cute drawing captivates us and evokes thoughts of a small family business, making it possible to forget that the company occupies about 1.5 % of the entire global food and beverage market, surpassing all competitors.
Nestle gradually develops its production in the US and throughout Europe, expanding its range from dairy products to chocolate, coffee, tea, goes beyond the food industry, cooperating with cosmetics and pharmaceutical companies. Today Nestle produces instant coffee and tea, soft drinks, chocolate, ice cream, instant broths, dairy products, infant formula and other baby foods, several types of pet food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical products. The most famous brands Nestle: Perrier, Nesquik, Nescafe, Nido, Purina, Coffee-Mate, Extreme, Maxibon, Maggi, KitKat, Sanpellegrino, Vittel, Wonka, gourmet other.
Branded product range Nestle just gigantic. But if we take a closer look at it and allow ourselves to fantasize about a possible distant future, we will see how the predictions of science fiction writers will come true: humanity, having exhausted natural resources, will begin to eat exclusively synthetic food, such tubes and pills with lunches and dinners, that's when paradise for the corporation will come. So let's save nature!