last few years Nokia slowly but surely lost its position in the global mobile phone market. The fact that the company will sooner or later lose its leadership is almost no one doubted. And so it happened.
Now number one is Samsung, which owns 25.4%. It is followed by Nokia and Apple - 22.5% and 9.5%, respectively. Last year, the Finnish company still owned 30.2%. That is, the decline for the year amounted to more than 8%, this state of affairs can only be described as catastrophic. Nokia also lost its leadership in the smartphone market, slipping immediately to third place.
It is important that the above data was provided by two analytical companies at once - iSuppli и strategy analytics. The data of both companies are the same except for the smartphone market. The first calls Apple the leader, and the second Samsung. The fact is that the South Korean giant does not name exact data, but only sales revenues, so it is quite difficult to calculate the number of devices sold.