Marissa Mayer, new CEO Yahoo!, told about how she sees the future of the company entrusted to her. It was told about the plans for the near future. Which, however, look a little messy.
A lot of words have been said about the personalization of content and advertising. Also, more attention will be paid to the creation of all kinds of mobile applications. Yahoo! urgently need to raise popularity, increase attendance. According to Marissa Mayer, this will be quite enough to pull the company out of that deep crisis in which it has been for a very long time.
The CEO stated that she would do whatever was necessary to keep all her best employees in the company. Whether those who do not fall into this category will be fired at the same time is unknown. However, it is already reported that new promising employees will be attracted to create really high-quality mobile applications. Moreover, the absorption of some small IT companies that own promising developments is quite possible.
Meanwhile, some independent experts have already commented on this. According to them, the direction chosen is correct, but the results will be determined by many factors. And it is not known whether Marissa will be able to competently realize all her plans.