Japan. In Amagasaki, the next, third Panasonic factory for the production of plasma panels was opened. It is expected that it will serve the production of 3D TVs, which the company promises to officially introduce in the near future. Japan. The third plant of the company was opened in Amagasaki Panasonic for the production of plasma panels. It is expected that it will serve the production of 3D TVs, which the company promises to officially introduce in the near future.
As is known, Panasonic plans to start selling 3D panels, which will be based, among other things, on plasma versions.
Insofar as Pioneer Hitachi and other recent leading players in the plasma market have abandoned its production, now the company has no strong competitors in this niche at all.
Meanwhile, plasma panels are still in fairly high demand in China and North America. Therefore, the appearance of 3D models can open up a second wind to the plasma market - in any case, the demand among fans of the company's plasma is guaranteed.
The new plant will support production of panels up to 150 inches, although smaller versions will of course be produced.