Payment service paypalthat belongs to the company eBay, will soon be fully operational in Russia and Ukraine. It is assumed that from September 24, 2011 with the help of paypal it will be possible not only to send payments (as it was before), but also to receive them. Today, residents of Russia and Ukraine can only use a stripped-down version paypalBy connecting our bank card to the system, we can pay for purchases or transfer money to different recipients, but not receive them.
paypal, established in 1998, is one of the most popular payment systems in the world. After the acquisition of the system by the company eBay in 2002, it became the main one for settlements between buyers and sellers of this online auction, no less intensively paypal It is also used for settlements between other counterparties.
The cost of transferring payments will depend on the amount and countries between which the payment is made. The approximate amount will be from 0.4% to 4.9% of the payment volume. Domestic money transfers will cost 1% of the payment amount.