The manufacturer of sportswear and footwear decided to use an ad in which I will take part in voice assistants Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant.
Users are invited to enter a competition that will win a pair of Club C sneakers embellished with Swarovski crystals. To do this, you just need to say the phrase “Open Reebok Sneaker Drop” to the voice assistant. Subsequently, the company will determine by voting 50 lucky winners. Users will need to ask the voice assistant "Ask Reebok Sneaker Drop if I won" on the morning of September 7th, and then use the password "Get my Club C's.", to find out the status of their application.
By Reebok's vision, an unusual advertising campaign should attract young people who are willing to use the latest technology, including voice assistants. And although voice technologies cannot yet be called particularly in demand, marketers are confident in their great future. In particular, consumers still very rarely use voice commands to make purchases. However, it is expected that by 2021, about 4 out of 10 owners of smart speakers in the United States (and by then it will be about 38 million people) will begin to shop, search for products and learn about prices by voice. Reebok marketers have decided that interest in these technologies is already high enough to try to use them in advertising.
Reebok is not the first sports shoe manufacturer to use the latest technology to attract consumers. So, we have already written about Nike sneakerscapable of tying their own shoelaces and augmented reality app LQDCELL for Puma LQD Cell Origin Ai sneakers.