The travel planning service will make the transition from a functional to an emotional approach in marketing.
First of all, the logo was updated, which is now lighter and more modern. At the same time, the company launched a marketing campaign aimed at reimagining the travel market, making it more innovative and appealing to today's environmentally conscious travelers.
The change marks Skyscanner's move away from more functional advertising based on praising user benefits to more emotional marketing based on the company's brand. Already very recognizable, it will be taken to a new level, Skyscanner marketers want to make its image more bold and attractive.
In other words, if earlier advertising focused on how convenient and easy it is to travel using the service, now users will be shown what interesting trips they can make using it. The idea to expand the brand's marketing definition comes from the new Skyscanner CMO Joanna Lord, who joined the team 8 months ago.
Skyscanner will focus on two key areas - innovation and sustainability. The first implies that tourists will be offered ideas for more modern ways of traveling. For example, to settle in the newest and most advanced hotel. The second area will contribute to the development of more environmentally friendly ways of travel. The company already offers a "Greener Choices" feature that allows users to filter flights according to CO2 emissions. It is reported that more than 10 million people have already taken advantage of this opportunity. The goal of Skyscanner is to make the “green” direction interesting for all 100 million users of the service.
At the same time, Joanna Lord acknowledges that Skyscanner is still learning. And before you can achieve your goal, you need to learn a lot of new things.