The famous chain of coffee houses Starbucks plans to start cracking down on customers who use coffee shop tables as workspaces. The method of struggle is simple - sockets will be eliminated.
Thus, laptop owners will not be able to spend many hours in a coffee shop, occupying a table with only one cup of coffee. True, there is one caveat - sockets are not anathema, the management of a particular coffee shop can leave them at their discretion if they consider that the percentage of working customers is not so great. But it is expected that soon all coffee shops in the center of New York will undergo this procedure.
It is alleged that the decision was made based on the requests of the clients themselves, who are annoyed by such "workers".
There is just one caveat - many modern laptops have very capacious batteries that can easily last at least 4-5 hours. Tablet computers generally withstand a dozen hours. Maybe you need to fight not with sockets, but introduce more radical changes?