Blog Justcreative traditionally is your view on what will be the main trends in the creation of logos in the coming year. Designers and brand creators always strive to be unique, but there are also popular trends that are common to all and will be in demand in 2017.
1. Minimalism
A large number of logos are deliberately designed to be complex, meaningfully constructed, and layered. Against such a background, it is very simple designs that often attract attention, logos are deliberately simplified. The trend of the so-called “flat design” is very popular at the moment in the market.
When using the minimalist method, it's important to make sure that the minimalist design is both practical and purposeful, which is to make it clear to potential clients what you're doing right away and with absolute clarity. So, what the company does can be immediately represented in the logo itself.
These logos are well received by potential customers as they are easy to read, although this does not necessarily mean that they are better.
2. Writing by hand
The use of handwritten texts in logos was popular in 2016, and this trend continues in 2017. This trend is especially popular in the field of food and beverages, where business owners often want to stand out from competitors and emphasize their “zest”.
Such logos are associated with warmth, charm, inspire confidence, which is difficult to achieve using standard computer fonts.
The development of this trend in 2017 will be a wider use of colors and halftones.
3. Negative space
The use of negative space in logos will be one of the most powerful trends in 2017, after the beginning of interest in this technique in 2016.
This style is based around a double image, where the main image and the negative space image compete for the viewer's attention. A classic example is the NBC logo, where negative space is used to create the iconic image of a peacock.
4. Use of lines
This trend, which became quite popular a few years ago, uses lines of the same thickness and only one background color. This technique is often used by brands that want to show themselves more modern, fun, interesting. A great opportunity for designers opens up the application of this trend in combination with the use of negative space.
5. Vintage
Clients often experience strong emotions associated with the past, and an old logo, playing on nostalgic feelings, will have an impact on them that more modern ones cannot achieve.
A vintage logo can often convey a sense of trust as well as a sense of connection to a user or brand.
That being said, don't forget that a vintage logo can make a brand look outdated or stuck in the past. This is something that needs to be thought through very carefully when designing a company logo, as this approach can become extremely damaging.
6. Simplify the shape
Accuracy and purity of form are gaining more and more popularity. The rebranding of Mastercard and Airbnb shows how visually loaded logos have been replaced by more streamlined and simpler designs.
7. Moving parts
One of the most interesting trends of 2017 was the use of moving parts in logos. Companies create separate versions of the logo for printed materials and for use on the web. Animated GIFs featuring logos from brands such as Ta La Wa, Open View, and Giant Owl Productions are a good example of this trend.