Online shopping will become the norm, marketing events will be held virtually, and remote work will become common for employees.
The way businesses do business around the world has changed significantly due to the pandemic. According to the forecast Googlebased on user search statistics, some of these changes are here to stay. Four main trends were identified that will linger in the business world even after the post-pandemic crisis wave subsides.
Fast reaction
The first trend that Google highlights is the habit of companies and brands to respond quickly to changes in consumer behavior. The crisis brought with it a dramatic change in the preferences and behavior patterns of buyers, and only those companies that were able to quickly find their bearings and take this into account were able to stay afloat. We are talking about such changes as the desire of buyers to buy more products in one trip to the store and the active use of alternatives to shopping trips, such as delivery or pickup options, pre-search for the availability of the right product through Google, the desire to save money and search for better deals.
Online events
Google cites the growing interest in virtual marketing events as a second trend. Even after conventional events become possible, virtual events will remain, the company believes. The thing is that users have already tried the convenience of this approach, and they liked getting new impressions and information without getting up from the couch. So marketing services will have to pay attention to virtual ways of promotion even when the time of lockdowns is over.
Distant work
The third trend concerns the organization of the work of the staff, namely the normalization of remote work. Even when all employees get the opportunity to go to the offices, the previously familiar way of working will not return in full. According to the analysis of search queries, Google notes that interest in working from home can be traced even before the pandemic and has only strengthened due to the crisis. The convenience of remote work and the growing number of tools for organizing the company's work in such conditions will lead to the fact that some employees will remain "remote" and this will become the norm for most companies.
Online shopping
And as the fourth trend, which will remain in the world of business for a long time, is called the emergence of online shopping. For consumers, it is online shopping that will become the norm, and brands and companies that will be able to take advantage of this trend and master the field of e-commerce will win. According to Google, even those goods that were previously purchased exclusively in physical stores began to buy online, and many consumers, due to the need that arose, began to turn to online stores for the first time in their lives.
Companies should be aware of new trends that Google believes will only get worse. Those market players who can quickly reorganize under the changed situation and refocus their business, will be able to benefit from the changed habits of buyers.