Steve Jobs, co-founder Apple, has said a lot in his life. The best and most interesting of his interviews and personal statements from different years will be collected in a separate book that will soon see the light of day. Agate Publishing is planning to release a book of quotes by Steve Jobs called “I, Steve: Steve Jobs In His Own Words”.
In total, the book will contain more than 200 statements by Jobs, who recently left the post of CEO of the company. Apple. His personality is of considerable interest to everyone who is interested in modern technologies and business methods, in addition, Jobs is one of the most charismatic figures in modern society, causing invariably strong reactions, both positive and negative, with his actions and statements.
The book will be edited by George Beahm and the 160-page collection is now available for pre-order on with an introductory price of $8.76. The book is scheduled for release in November 2011. Around the same time, the official biography of Steve Jobs, written by Walter Isaacson, will be released under the title “Steve Jobs: A Biography” (working title, later changed to “iSteve”).