Cuba will have its own version Wikipedia, a popular encyclopedia that is created directly by the users themselves. The resource named EcuRed, already contains 19,500 entries, some of which differ significantly from the entries in the original Wikipedia. So articles about Fidel Castro and his brother Raul Castro are much more meaningful and extended, and also contain somewhat more laudatory assessments. The article about the United States was less fortunate, and negative statements appeared here.
Encyclopedia EcuRed:Enciclopedia cubana located at The site is said to be accessible both on an intranet containing government-approved sites and on the entire internet. The articles are still edited by the users themselves, but the publication of the edit can only occur after approval by the administration of the resource.
So far, the Cuban encyclopedia has been implemented only in the Spanish version, in this, as well as in the number of articles, it undoubtedly loses to Wikipedia. It also loses in the number of users, despite the fact that Spanish is one of the most popular in the world, the number of Internet users in Spanish-speaking countries is still not large. But, probably, a small but proud encyclopedia does not strive to win first place in the whole world, it is quite enough for the creators to demonstrate their views and express their objective judgments and assessments, even if the whole world will argue with their objectivity.