New trademark registered Wimm-Bill-Dann, was named "Effektivia". And the phrase was chosen as the slogan for it "Active does not mean effective". This caused extreme displeasure of the holding "Danone Unimilk".
The fact is that Danone owns a very popular brand since 2000 Activiaunder which dairy products are produced. According to management "Danone Unimilk", the emergence of a new brand with such an advertising campaign can be regarded as unfair competition and incorrect comparison of its products with competitors' products, with all the ensuing consequences. And in the event of the appearance of goods under a new brand on sale, Wimm-Bill-Dann avoid legal action.
According to Rospatent, "Effektivia" is also a brand for all kinds of dairy products. Truth, Wimm-Bill-Dann does not yet plan to start its production.