According to Sarah Rotman, analyst at the company Forrester, big changes are expected in the computer market. Mass distribution of "tablets" is coming, which by 2012 will become more popular than netbooks, and by 2013 - than desktops.
The analyst expects that in 2012 under tablet computers will be 18% market, while netbook sales will slow down significantly. We can already observe such a trend now - many of those users who wanted to purchase a netbook chose in the end iPad. Apple managed to sell two million devices in record time and sales are not going to fall yet. In the meantime, other manufacturers will catch up with their solutions.
As for desktops, their number has been declining for a long time. True, in this case, they will rather be replaced not by tablets, but by laptops, the popularity of which is also growing relentlessly.
One caveat should be made here - the analyst made his forecast, focusing on events in the United States. It is possible that events in the rest of the world will develop somewhat differently. But otherwise, only in terms of timing, the scenario will most likely be the same.