Confrontation of Steve Jobs and technology Flash has been going on for too long to not attract general attention. Some support Apple, other Adobe, passions run high. The ranks are replenished with new, sometimes unexpected allies.
So, today the company announced the rejection of Flash and the transition to HTML 5 Digital Playground, which is the largest porn studio in the United States.
It is known that Apple categorically does not accept any pornographic applications on his App Store. But the studios are not upset, because you can view the videos through the browser. Here's just a problem - in most cases this is done through Flash, which is on iPhone no, and it looks like it won't. But iPhone - a tasty share, since the owners of such phones are extremely active on the Web. Just like the owners iPad, also deprived of Flash.
Digital Playground didn't think for a long time. From now on, all videos on its resources will be posted in HTML 5, which, by the way, is supported not only by Apple devices.
Once upon a time, it was the choice of porn studios that determined the unconditional victory of the DVD standard over its competitors. Will this history repeat itself again? After all, for Digital Playground вполне могут последовать и более мелкие студии. Порнография — двигатель прогресса!